
A mostrar mensagens de março, 2020

24/03/2020 - Platonic Solids

On this class, we built some platonic solids : Tetrahedron - 4 faces (green) Hexahedron (Cube) - 6 faces (cyan) Octahedron - 8 faces (yellow) Dodecahedron - 12 faces (pink) Icosahedron - 20 faces (orange) The first solid we built was the tetrahedron . For that, the first step is to draw the triangular base of this solid. This base is composed by a equilateral triangle with 10 units as the sides length. Then, we create a 2D plan of all the faces disassembled. After this, we can now find out the center of the solid and the way that the faces are going to be folded.  For that, we draw a vertical line passing the center of the base triangle and a circunference with radius from the middle of the common side between the base and one face to the vertex of that same face. Using the command 3DRotate , we rotate that circunference for it to be perpendicular to the face that we want to fold. We can now fold the first face, using the command A...

17/03/2020 - Cone and Sections

On this class we learnt how to: - draw a Cone - mirror the Cone to reverse - create Section Plans - draw Sections on the Cones using the Section Plans First, we drew a cone which center is located at the x,y coordinates 30, 30 , with 10 units of radius and 10 units of height. The cone that we just created is solid , and we want it to be empty , having just some thickness. For that, we copied the previous cone down with a tiny distance of 1 unit . After that, we use Boolean Operations . There are 3: - Union , that joins both cones into one piece; - Intersect , to create an inbetween solid created by the intersection of both cones; - Subtract , to subtract the space ocuppied by one cone on the other. For the purpose that we want, we used the Subtract operation. Then, we mirrored the cone adding one more above the previous one. For that, we use the command 3DMirror . To be easier to distinguish all the shapes and figures that we are going to ...

03/03/2020 - Parabolic Surface

In the 3rd of March class we started using AutoCAD to create 2D and 3D surfaces. To be possible to create a Parabolic Revolution Surface it´s mandatory to draw, at first, a parabola . And what is a Parabola? Is a curved line, without a rigorous determination, usually the result from a plannar section in a cone, where the section plan has to be paralell to the cone geratrix. It is mainly composed by an axis, a guideline, a focus and a vertex. To start the parabola, we drew a vertical line, starting at the point of x,y coordinates 50, 50 and ending ate the point 50, 200 . This vertical line will be the guideline of the parabola. Then, we drew another line, perpendicular to the first one, from the point 50, 125 to the point 300, 125 . This one will be the axis of the parabola. On this second line, whit a distance of 50 units from the guideline, we marked the focus of the parabola. And, between the guideline and the focus point, we marked the vertex of the future...