
A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2020

3DSMAX Lamp - 19/05/2020

In this class we continued to create the scene adding lights such as Target Spot Lights and Omni Lights.

3DSMAX Lamp - 12/05/2020

On this class, we applied the floor for the scene and strated inserting material and textures to the created objects. To start this lesson, we learnt how the use cameras to create scenes and different views to the objects. Introduction to  Material Editor . To compose a realistic scene we learned how to apply materials and textures to the objects by uploading images of materials as  maps . We learned how to change the objects Glossiness, Specular Levels, Smoothness, etc.

3DSMAX Lamp - 05/05/2020

First, the professor explained us some basic tools and menus. The exercise of the first lesson was the creation of a lamp. First, we used the shapes on the right menu and selected the  cylinder  in the standard primitives. Then, we created another shape, a  torus , and placed it at the bottom of the cylinder. After this, using Boolean Operations , we subtracted the torus from the cylinder.  Then we used  taper  to curve the edges of the cylinder. After, we created the flame using another cylinder and the stretch tool and used the  noise  tool was used to turn it into an irregular shape. Then we used the command Lathe to create the glass part of the lamp. In the end of this class, we created two walls and a table to place the lamp, using the Box shape in several positions and sizes.

01/05/2020 - Phase 1 Delivery - AutoCAD - Suprematic Painting

I choose for this work, a painting by Kazimir Malevich. Suprematic Painting, Kazimir Malevich, 1916 Link to DWG File: Link to GIF: Link to A1 Panel: GIF A1 Panel Renders: Screenshots: This are some of my first attempts: